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  • Writer's pictureLara

What's it all about?......................


So if you’ve been following me on Instagram, you may have noticed that I’m a little addicted to gold (if you haven’t then maybe it’s time to make that Specsavers appointment)

I’ve thought for such a long time that I need to do more creatively and put my skills to better use. I’ve dabbled in creating artwork and interior design for friends, neighbours etc but never really had the commitment or confidence to really go for it. My extremely supportive husband has helped to build this site, helped as in he’s very much done the whole thing and I’ve just come along with my demands and alterations! He’s pretty awesome and he did not make me say that. He has also nearly smashed the computer to pieces a few times along the way.

I’m definitely not setting out to be a blogger, I'm not the biggest fan of writing, I’d much rather be painting anything and everything I can get my hands on. I will be using this blog space to share some making and creating tips, tutorials and any major news or updates.

I‘ve received lots of questions about gold leafing over the last few years so I’ve decided to start running a gold leaf workshop. Full details are on the workshops page. But obviously you already know you want to come and get creative with me yes!!

I will also be adding gold leaf kits, bespoke pieces of furniture, art etc with that special golden touch. If you have any requests or commissions please get in touch.

Coming soon……………………….

I’m currently working on an idea to create beautiful floor to ceiling gold leaf panels that can be attached to the wall or leant up against it. This will mean they can be moved between locations and properties and I wouldn’t have to come and make a massive golden dust mess on location.

So in conclusion, if you don’t like gold, this really isn’t the place for you! Thanks for taking time to read this, have a sparkly day!


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1 Comment

giovanna bazzana
Aug 03, 2019

And what a wonderful website it is! You’re pretty funny...must be in the genes 😆🙌🏼😘

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